Saturday, June 28, 2008


It happens at the end of June like Swiss clockwork. All kids in every grade all over the canton celebrate their promotion from one year to the next. Not every commune or village celebrates in the exact same manner but, rest assured, a party only to be surpassed by December's Escalade takes place.

What follows are photos from the village of Corsier's festivities. The event was kicked off by a cortège or procession that began in front of the school buildings, wound through the village, only to finish in the school gym. This year the youngest students carried flags from whichever country they wanted while the other classes wore or carried items that represented the different continents. A wagon loaded with preschoolers who will attend the 'big' school in the fall brought up the rear.

The band.
(Check out the shoes on the clarinetist. Only in Europe!)

Flags of the world

African Shields

Statues of Liberty for North America
(A Mountie or two would have been nice. *sniff*)

Footballs for Europe

Coolie hats for Asia

Sombreros for South America

And, finally, the 'La Pomme' Wagon.
Last year Mighty Mouse was on board. *sniff*

The ceremony that followed consisted of singing by the students followed by presentations made by the mayor of Corsier. Teachers who were moving on to other schools or retiring received flowers while the 6th graders, who will move on to cycle or high school in the fall, received enormous dictionaries and a handshake or three kisses on the cheek, depending on their gender.

With formalities over, the party could begin. Sausages, hamburgers, fries, and drinks were served by the village fire brigade, hors d'oeuvres by the parent association, and dessert by the parents of the preschoolers. There were free carousel rides, a bouncy castle, carnival games, and the unofficial annual water fight.

The party went on well into the evening, long after the Mighty family headed for home.

Congratulations on your Promo everyone! Have a great summer.

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