Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gone as an Applet

An interesting answer to the question, 
"So what's your novel about anyway?" 

The image above was created by software that analyses how often a word is used in a given text. Note how large the word 'like' is in the image above. It makes me wonder if my use of similes is a bit heavy-handed.  Perhaps it isn't, but it's worth a look. Thanks, John, at Manner of Speaking, for reminding me of this fun, web-based tool. 

Make your own Wordle applet at


  1. Gosh, I shudder to think what dark and awful words would be highlighted in mine. Yikes!

  2. Do it, Jawahara! Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. I tried but even though I have Java scripting turned on it doesn't work for me :-(.

  4. Great word cloud, Melissa and thanks for the nod. I look forward to reading the finished novel. (All of the words, not just the main ones.)

