Thursday, July 24, 2008


A few posts ago I made my first avatar. By definition, an avatar is a 2- or 3D image which a person uses to represent themselves in cyberspace. I was introduced to the trick in a post from Earth to Danie and decided to try it out. Here's how it works:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the pink banner in the center of the page which says 'Create an Avatar'
  3. This brings you to the Meez Maker where you can change your look (i.e. skin tone, face shape, eye colour, etc.), get dressed, and add an animation or background. Some of these cost 'Coinz,' but don't worry. You'll get 2500 of those babies when you register, a necessary step if you want to save and share your Meez Avatar.
  4. Once you have your Meez Avatar the way you like it, click save and register. Be sure to take time to check or uncheck any boxes that would put you on a mailing list automatically. Leave them checked if you want some extra Coinz.
  5. Now it's time to export your creation. Click on 'Export' and then on 'Get Codes.' If your Avatar is animated and you want to publish it that way, choose one of the first two 'sizes.' I always go with the smaller of the two. Then click on 'Copy to Clipboard' to get the necessary code in the format you prefer. I choose HTML.
  6. Then go to your blog's compose screen and paste the code into the body of your post. Center it if you like. When you click on 'Publish Post', it should look something like this:
Meez 3D avatar avatars games

I challenge you to do better!

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