Friday, May 21, 2010

Ready, Set, Grade One!

"I expect you all to get five stars today. Remember, you're going to be in first grade soon and first graders know how to control their voices, control their bodies and work hard."

Jamal's hand shoots into the air. He looks worried.

"You have a question?"

"Yeah. Will you be coming with us to first grade? 'Cause we don't even know where the room is."


  1. I love your antedots! Jamal sound adorable

  2. "first graders know how to control their voices, control thieir bodies.."
    They're cut from a different cloth over here.

  3. Never fear, it's the same cloth. I was just using their hero worship of any kid older than them as leverage. Dirty trick, I know, but that day it worked.
