Friday, May 14, 2010

Tiers and Tears

I lost a student yesterday in the best way possible: he didn't need me anymore. According to his classroom teacher, Jacob's DIBELS scores were well into the safety zone meaning he no longer needed Tier 2 intervention: me. When we broke the news to him, his eyes got shiny and full.

"But I still want to come with you."

I said he could come one last time and his eyes cleared. Minutes later, quite on purpose, Jacob scrawled the worst letters of his kindergarten life into his Fundations workbook. I could hardly believe my eyes. He was trying to throw the game, wielding the only power he had left. The thing of it was, it was too late. He couldn't fool anyone. He'd been writing clearly and reading for weeks. The poor kid had mistaken his victory parade for overtime: his last chance to prove me wrong.

When we got back to class I gave him his workbook and a certificate I had made. "I'm really going to miss you, Jacob."

"Me, too." He gave me a hip-crushing hug and headed for his cubby to put away his things. From across the room I watched him wipe his eyes.

On my way out of class he hugged me twice more.


  1. Congratulations to both Jacob and you.


  2. Good Work M and Jacob! What fun seeing kids succeed. I bet he loved the certificate! I need to get my Damon a spelling program maybe I'll look at that one he seems to have inherited my spelling and writing skills (my poor boy).

  3. Awww...this one made me tear up a bit. Good luck Jacob!

  4. Thanks everyone!
    To be honest, I wouldn't choose the Fundations program. I much prefer the Jolly Phonics system or Cracking the ABC Code.

  5. made me cry. Although I have nothing to do with it, I am so proud of you and proud for Jacob and think how lucky kids are that you'll be a teacher.

  6. Good job Melissa! And I like your title....
