Friday, February 13, 2009

Blogging My Novel: Square Peg, Round Hole

The verdict is in:

Dear Mighty Mom,

Many thanks for your patience while we considered the revisions to Gone and for your enthusiasm in completing them.  "The Supreme Head Honcho" and I both read your revised draft and there are many aspects of your writing which we enjoy.  You took note of our suggestions and the revised version of Gone is more satisfying than the previous draft. 


Thank you, also, for letting me know that you are relocating to the U.S.  I think that the combination of the floundering economy in the UK, some ongoing concerns that Gone might be difficult to place for a British audience and your move conspire to suggest that it would be better for you to seek representation in North America.  I wish you the very best for your move and the very best of luck in your search for an agent and publisher.


Your Close-but-no-Cigar Agency

Reply received 37 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes after submission.  Kind, appreciative, but still a rejection. 



  1. Oh M. sorry i know that's not the answer you were waiting for but I know there is another Agency out there just waiting to read your amazing writing. I think you did great and I know you don't give up that easy so keep up the good work and it will pay off.

  2. I second Sherry's comments. There is an agency out there with your name on, trust me.

    Pay no heed to the date you posted this either..... Hang on in there girl.

  3. Overall positive comments even though it was not the decision you were hoping for. Congratulations!


  4. I know you'll have better luck in the US. Hang in there and KEEP WRITING!

  5. That is a rejection worthy of champagne, girl, plus you got free editing. Now get it out there again and also try submitting directly to children's publishers. Don't forget Canadian publishers as well.

    Trust me...if you send it out enough it will find a home outside yours.

  6. Thanks everyone! Onward and upward...

  7. They will rue the day that they wrote that letter when you are rich and famous, Melissa. Onward and upward, as you say.
