Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogging My Novel: Now What?

Just when you think you have enough to worry about, life has a way of spicing things up. Placing my novel has been ratcheted down the priority ladder, what with needing to find a home in a new country.  I'd like to think my work is more marketable where I'm going than where I've been these past five years. Isn't the U.S. the mecca of the children's book industry? 

What scares 'the author' in me most is leaving behind the incredible writers that have helped shape my work into something worth reading. The Birkenstocks, the Geneva Writers' Group, the D.L. Nelson retreats in Argeles, my family... For five years, I've had an unfailing network of support.  Thank goodness for technology is all I have to say. These days out of sight doesn't necessarily mean out of mind.

As for the Long Wait: 26 days, 14 hours, 16 minutes and counting.

I plan to follow up at the end of the week, but I don't believe I've been forgotten. The publishing industry is exceptionally slow and I doubt the current economic climate is doing much to improve matters. Will I mention the pending move? Hmm... I'm not sure. 

What do you think?


  1. Look at you computer, Melissa and hiding just behind the screen are mini mes, Shers, Katies, etc. We won't forget you. The support is still there... tap out a message and we'll come back to you maybe even faster than in Geneva...
